We all love to run our motorcycle like a child with their toy! But, it needs to be insured.

Have the following handy when you contact us for a quote:

– Names and driving history of the people you want on the policy.
– Motorcycle year, age, make model, condition, and mileage.
– Zip Code
– Any additional

Understanding Motorcycle Coverages

Our agents may help you review your coverages in detail.
Here are is a basic overview:

Property damage liability

If you or someone on your policy is involved in a collision that damages someone else’s vehicle or property, this coverage pays for their repairs and protects you against any lawsuits.

Bodily injury liability

If you or someone on your policy is involved in a collision that physically injures someone else or their passengers, this coverage protects their medical injuries and protects you from medical lawsuits.


If you’re involved in an accident with another vehicle, where your bike is damaged, and after you’ve paid your deductible, this coverage will pay for the repairs of your bike.


If your motorcycle is damaged caused by anything other than a collision, such as theft, vandalism, glass breakage, wind or fire damage, this coverage pays for your repairs after you’ve
paid your deductible.